The Glass Menagerie (2020)
A memory play by Tennessee Williams
Directed by Rowan Vickers
Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie takes place now and in the past. It is a glimpse into the memory of Tom Wingfield. Tom is the narrator of the play as well as a character in it. He takes us back in time to a small apartment in a lower middle class neighborhood in St. Louis where he once lived with his mother Amanda and sister Laura.
Having been abandoned by her husband, Amanda is desperate to provide a good future for her children. Tom, though he truly longs for a life of adventure as a writer, is working in a shoe store warehouse in order to provide for the family. Daughter Laura, who has been left disabled as the result of a childhood illness, lives a secluded home life in a fantasy world of glass toy animals and old phonograph records.
Amanda is on the prowl for a husband for Laura. When she convinces Tom to bring a colleague from the warehouse home as a suitor, a spark of hope is ignited and the eventual arrival of this mysterious gentleman caller pushes the already tenuous familial relationships to the breaking point.
Cast and Creative
Karen Wood
Amanda Wingfield
William Vickers
Tom Wingfield
Rowan Vickers
Leigha Sinnott
Laura Wingfield
Alexandra Cockrell
Stage Manager/Asst. Director
Adam Schroeder
Jim O’Connor